Our Products

Dietary Supplements

While we offer products from different companies, Standard Process is the company we order most of our products through. From vitamins and minerals, to probiotics, we offer a wide range of different natural products to boost health and nutrition for our patients. These products are available to order and purchase from our front desk.

Back pillows, bed pillows, and more

We offer lumbar support pillows for sitting, as well as different water pillows for the bed. These products are designed for optimal posture while sitting or sleeping. We also have ice packs and muscle relaxants for our patients as well.


Do you have difficulty finding comfortable shoes for your feet? We create casts of patients feet which get sent off to a lab to make custom orthotics to improve our patients’ foot stability.


Frequently Asked Questions

While we encourage our patients to get all their nutrients through their diet, sometimes it can be difficult to fulfill all the needs. Having an incomplete diet can lead to many different issues, and supplementation can help complete your diet.

Standard Process offers a completely natural, and holistic approach to dietary supplements. Many companies make their supplements with synthetically made nutrients. Standard Process utilizes all natural nutrients derived from animals and plants. Standard Process also provides gluten free and vegan options as well. 

These pillows are designed to not only remind you to sit with better posture, but aid you in how to sit properly.

These pillows actually come with an adjustable water bladder that you can fill to your own need with the included funnel. The water provides extra support for your head and neck throughout the night. 

While not every is a candidate for orthotics, they can been extremely beneficial for most individuals. From the amount of stress we put on our feet from improper foot wear, to an improper walking style, these orthotics can help with comfort, and function.